Portside Digest test - How to Understand Psychic Violence and Murder - "The Whole Damn System" January 7, 2015 [This is the first of a three-part series, Rage Against the Narrative, by Praxis Senior Editor Dr. Lisa Brock. The series is written in response to the uprising sparked by the killings of unarmed black people throughout the US. The three epigraphs below are gestures to each part.] https://portside.org/2015-01-07/test-how-understand-psychic-violence-and-murder-whole-damn-system Kentucky Voters Reject “Right to Work” January 7, 2015 Republicans and right-wing supporters defeated in Kentucky "Right to Work" vote. https://portside.org/2015-01-07/kentucky-voters-reject-%E2%80%9Cright-work%E2%80%9D test - With Power of Social Media Growing, Police Now Monitoring and Criminalizing Online Speech January 7, 2015 Criminal cases for online political speech are now commonplace in the UK, notorious for its hostility to basic free speech and press rights. As The Independent`s James Bloodworth reported last week, "around 20,000 people in Britain have been investigated in the past three years for comments made online." The persecution is by no means viewpoint-neutral. It is overwhelmingly directed at the country's Muslims for expressing opinions critical of the state's actions. https://portside.org/2015-01-08/test-power-social-media-growing-police-now-monitoring-and-criminalizing-online-speech Clone of test-Sony; The Interview; Racism; Hollywood, Media Regurgitate Government Claims January 7, 2015 Sony and the hackers captured the year-end news cycle for over a month, unveiling a treasure trove of emails exposing stark flashes of the hidden underbelly of Hollywood. Certain "racist" emails of Sony executive Amy Pascal were made public. The hackers are unknown, yet the media was initially more than ready to accept the initial government claims. https://portside.org/2015-01-07/clone-test-sony-interview-racism-hollywood-media-regurgitate-government-claims -------------------------------------------------------------------- VIEW ONLINE: https://portside.org/portsidegeneral SUBSCRIBE: http://portside.org/subscribe VISIT PORTSIDE.ORG: http://portside.org TWITTER: https://twitter.com/portsideorg FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/Portside.PortsideLabor -------------------------------------------------------------------- Portside aims to provide material of interest to people on the left that will help them to interpret the world and to change it. Submit via email: [log in to unmask] Submit via web: http://portside.org/submittous3 Frequently asked questions: http://portside.org/faq Sub/Unsub: http://portside.org/subscribe-and-unsubscribe Search Portside archives: http://portside.org/archive ######################################################################## To unsubscribe, click the following link: https://lists.portside.org/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=PORTSIDETEST