Material of Interest to People on the Left

Portside Snapshot - December 16, 2017

FML: The Millennial Story

Michael Hobbes

Huffington Post
Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.

Net Neutrality: What Happens Next

Aja Romano

The overwhelming majority of the public, including Republicans, support net neutrality. The FCC just voted to end it. Here's what happens next.

Let's Think Big: The Tax Reform We Need

Thea Lee and Hunter Blair

Here's how we could raise more money from those who have the most and invest it social insurance, public investments, and safety nets that would make the vast majority of Americans richer.

Portside Fund Appeal - What a Year It's Been

It's been an extraordinary year. A year of unparalleled dangers, which we wont dwell on, as you know them well. Also a year that people invented new ways to assert themselves -- from athletes kneeling to women speaking out to voters flipping seats up and down the ballot. Just once a year we appeal to you to contribute to make it possible to continue this work. Please help.

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