Material of Interest to People on the Left

Portside Snapshot - October 30, 2017

Cutting Corporate Taxes Will Not Boost American Wages

Josh Bivens
Economic Policy Institute
Policymakers who are sincere about boosting wages would heed the advice of Mishel and Eisenbrey (2015), and undertake policy measures to redistribute economic leverage and bargaining power away from capital owners and corporate managers and back to low- and middle-wage workers.

For American Corporations, Winning Is Not Enough

Lauren Carasik
Boston Review
SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) are not new. What is relatively new is the decision by companies to ramp up the potential impact of their cases by bringing charges under the federal racketeering statute called RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), a law which facilitates suits against sprawling criminal enterprises.

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